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Welcome to Sukha Yoga

Updated: Oct 18, 2019

The most profound experience in the practice of Hatha Yoga happens when we least expect it. I am sure that those of you who have been through the awakening process could fully relate to me when I say that we felt it way before we knew about it. It is something that just happens organically. It would present itself with so much grace and openness.

Kundalini awakening is a sensitive and serious path to take. There are abundantly beautiful things around it but the ugliest of all could be experienced too. I have been through both. It is never about the complexities of the asanas which we desire to achieve here but to break through the physical as well as the energetic barriers which cloud us from seeing our real pristine nature.

All the teachings here are advanced in nature. The asanas, as well as the breathing exercises, are not meant to be practised by a beginner. The guidance of a yoga teacher is required for most of the lessons here.

The lessons here are not meant to force your Kundalini to awaken. For its full awakening to happen, elements and methods involving vital inner organs would have to be practised and they are too sensitive to be discussed in an article or a video tutorial.

Instead, the lessons here are just preparation for a safe, progressive and sustainable practice. Most of them are just to energise, nourish, and cleanse the pathways (chakras) of our prana (life force). Hopefully, through them, we could increase the energetic flow within our organs and create balance and equilibrium to our life in general. If the path to fully open the Kundalini is your calling, I would be happy to help you.

There are some readings though, that I will share with you here which are inspired from my personal Kundalini experience. Inevitably, as the chakras open, you will experience some forms of changes and your sensitivity and awareness shall definitely increase. All these changes are part of the process and my insights are to give you either an assurance, a caution and a reminder.

In the point of view of Kundalini practice, the teachings here are still in the basic category. But the principles, practical drills and lessons I will share here are deep in nature for a student who has just started practising asanas, or yoga for that matter. In that light, they are not meant to be practised unless a stable self-practice programme has already been established. I would say around six months to a year of regular (minimum of three times a week) practice is required before doing the exercises here.

So, what is Kundalini?

Different cultures, traditions and disciplines have different names to refer to one and the same spiritual experience - Kundalini.

It is called the Sakina in the Islam tradition. The Taoist refer this esoteric energetic experience as the Yang Chi or the Dragon. It is the secret fire that the Alchemist uses to transform the physical to invisible and transcend beyond the senses. She is the source of all creation, the Goddess, the Mother, the Woman and Feminine energy which rules them all for the Wiccans.

It is the Holy Spirit in the Christian tradition.

The Kundalini as she is called in Yoga is an ascending energetic current. It is our absolute form of energy - far stronger and more potent than all muscular and physical strength combined, for she is the source of all energetic forces of all the universe. She slithers through and around our left and right channels, piercing through our chakras on her way to unite to her rightful place. The crown.

The Kundalini is the closest we could ever be connected with the Creator (death is the ultimate, of course), for it is God himself present within each and every one of us. I mean it in the literal sense when I say that I see and feel God clearer and stronger than I see and feel the person standing before me.

Kundalini is our highest energetic source. The very first time I felt it is still so vivid to me up to this day. It happened after a deep backbend practice. It was like having a gushing stream of current flowing in and out of my perineum in rhythmical intervals. I got intrigued by this unnatural current so I kept exploring. At first, I did not know what it was. It even scared me a bit as I thought I snapped a nerve inside my hips and I was bleeding inside. It is the most amazing experience to be able to witness it become and richer and more refined. The process of unlocking the Kundalini could take a long time of practical application of specialised breathing methods, yoga asanas, and mind discipline. But one thing I can assure is that it is possible.

This is the method where I build my practice, teach my students and develop future teachers. Discipline of the Physical. Willpower of the Mind. Dedication to the Spirit.

However, this process is not all beautiful. It is not for the weak in the spirit. If you could keep your strong spiritual connection and stay living your life within the boundaries of the philosophy of temporariness, then Kundalini awakening could be the easiest way to achieve liberation and peace. Otherwise, do not attempt to desire it.

When not properly managed, it could cause physical pressure and intense pain. It could even cause mental illnesses! There is no going back once the Kundalini has awakened. It will have a big impact in your life in all aspects. I mean ALL. Be prepared to accept big and major changes in your life. If you are not ready to give up most of your pleasures now, then I strongly suggest do not ever attempt to try it. The guidance of a teacher is a recommended for all aspirants of Kundalini Awakening. It is never to be played with, especially with the intention for supremacy. You may gain success in awakening your Kundalini now, but the chances of wishing you had not are high and real in the future.

I dedicate the lessons to all of you. Keep practising. - F

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